New Media – its time to embrace
Media has changed dramatically in recent years
So many new challenges and new things to choose
- What does New Media Mean? we can remove the mystery.
- What Media should I use? – lets discuss whats right for you.
- Is “Old Media” Still relevant? (we think it is btw).
- Is it measurable? – Absolutely!
- Does it work? – yes if you follow a strategy and set objectives.
- Have you examples? loads.
- How much time and effort do I Invest? – can start small and be convinced.
- Facebook for business really…. YES really!
- Social Media on a budget – we can measure for you too
- All here in Beccles, East Anglia, close to Norwich

Facebook Advertising is a must for any business that prides itself on customer service

Which do you need most – Mobile or Desk Top? The choice is yours
- What about Linked In?
- Should my company have a presence – absolutely

You need a presence – for customers , your team, new recruits, investors
- Talk to us about Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp too
So many challenges …. and do we need answers to all.
That’s where BEAM can help – we understand – we have been there and we THRIVE on such challenges.
BEAM can take the mystery out of all that is deemed New Media and prioritise what is right for your business.
We will be able to help – just give us a brief and we will advise on what is best for you.
Return on YOUR Investment is what matters and we WILL help you with that.

For just £3,000 you can be on the right TV
Have you heard of ….ADSMART from Sky
Be one of the first to use this VERY NEW MEDIA – cheap and effective too!
Ask us about SKYADSMART just click here for a brief explanation and case study